The Hanuman Factor : Life Lessons From The Most Successful Spiritual CEO by Anand Krishna

Last Sunday, I tidy up my bookshelf and I found one of my book that the plastic wrap unopened. I never realized if there was my book that unread yet. The book has a classy looks cover with title "The Hanuman Factor" and with tagline "Life Lessons from the Most Successful Spiritual CEO". The book wrote by Anand Krishna an Indonesian Sindhi/Indian descent Spiritualist. If I looked the synopsis, the book was classified as motivation or self-motivation.

Because I interested with the cover and synopsis (I also interested with Hanuman, the character who I known from my traditional puppet), I spent the time to read this book last week. The book was in according with the tagline "Life Lessons From The Most Successful Spiritual CEO". The book brought me to learned about how to emulated the attitude of Hanuman that useful for our life.

The synopsis

The Hanuman Factor

Motivational speakers weaken our soul and kill the spirit it takes to face the challenges of life. We begin to believe in outside factors to motivate us and depend on borrowed knowledge.

This book is not about such external motivation, but about tapping the source of all wisdom and strength within you to undertake any task, no matter how difficult, and how challenging. For, this source drives its strength from the limitless and the Infinite, the One Divine Force.

This very source is the Hanuman Factor within you, within me, within all of us. Tap into it now, be braver and holder. Be stronger and wiser. And, above all, be fearless as you face the challenges of life... Yes, NOW!

The book has 206 pages with some beautiful illustrations (some illustrations put as background shading behind writing that made every pages looks classy and traditional). If I checked the year of the books publish, The Hanuman Factor published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama Publishing in 2010, and published in English. In each chapter, this book also presented wonderful quotes in Indian Languages with subtitle underneath. This was one of my favorite quote in this book.

"Sankata Te Hanumaana Chhuraavai, Mana Krama Bachana Dhayaana Fo Laavei"

Sankata - Dificulties; Te - From; Hanumaana - Hanuman; Chhuraavai - Free; Mana - Thoughts; Krama - Deed; Bachana - Words; Dhyaana - Mediate; Jo Laavai - Whoever

Those who ever think, act, and speak in "Hanuman Consciousness" become free from all kinds of troubles.  

After read this book, I found something different view to get motivation for life reason. More spiritual but still feels optimistic in reality at the same time, it was gorgeous. I felt this important for my life, because I live in traditional culture with modern touch. This is suitable for people who live in developing countries, where traditional cultures that co-exist with modern cultures such as Indonesia.

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